Thursday, January 18, 2007

Getting out the door with two

I like to call it "Baby steps out the door." Don’t have high expectations for the first few trips out the door with two. Every child is different and depending on the age difference in your two or three or four, each trip comes with its own challenges at various stages along the way. Don’t let your first trip out the door be the grocery store. Do not be fooled by the fancy car carts or double seats. Your first outing should be someone’s house. A faithful and trusted friend or fellow playgroup mom with other kids to occupy your toddler. These are the safe havens for those with two little ones. Do not expect to be on time or stay long. Do not try to bake cookies. Do not try to put on makeup (this is why I said trusted friend). Do not expect to remember everything you need. Just let it be what it is. A practice of getting people into and out of the car and, in and out again.

A general tip about even this process, which seems so simple in theory. Always strap in your oldest child first. Clipping the infant seat in the car may appears to be an easy and quick task, but an 18-month old (or even a three-year old) often doesn’t understand the consequences to chases his favorite ball down the street. You’d be surprised how quickly a toddler suddenly leaves your side. Toddler in first. Toddler out of the car last. The infant seat will be your new best friend and you will it hard to give it up when it’s time because of its ease in getting two in the car.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.